
Tittle of SHIT -.-

这四个字我都时常这样形容我自己的笨  -.-
聪明人出口 蠢人就出手。
性格就定了你到底是蠢人还是聪明人 。
因为脾气和冲动 , 加上认为事情是有关于到我的 我不得不Fat Lan Za.

Sometime we are getting or done something wrong.
But every thing you make is with your mind.
If you really know what will be happen on yourself after you were done,
You just do it.
Other side,if you're never think about all the thing may happen ,
You never use your brain . You done, I tell you. 
In my eyes your just a piece of shit.
I wish you will be KIND. 
I said, any promise just a joke. You joking....with me ..
I wish one day, you comparing with the old you.
You saw your back have a piece of shit. and you was STEPPED on That SHIT! -.-

