
Hello Hello babe

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Today is 21-2-2011 monday 
uh huh, next Saturday is my birthday ,will you remember 
would you wish me?
would you give me a nice memory on that day ?
would I can receive the present you guy prepare?
Can I have a cake or someone give me a better food than a cake?
would you like to shout out to me:
YOU think too much ya Shireen Ng! =.=

The most important thing is :-
can I have a lot of friends celebrate with me on that day?
this is the only one I Wanted! 

Will you care me and choose the present that I NEED?
whether you'll only simply buy a toy for me ?
LoL,can I say I anti-toy [except the toy inside got rice that kind x) ]
will you buy a spec for me ? that I want xP 
will you buy a Small bag for me ? that I need xP 
will you buy a ear ring for me ? that I love xP 
will you gonna meet me without present? that is never mind because you celebrate with me x)

I gonna shout out :
I am not very caring how much present I receive
I just caring how many people will use your free time make me happy on my Birthday!
you are the one I need
cause you are the friend of mine x)
babe, please don't let me disappointed just let me feel surprise 
Make my 16years old b'day Happy and full a memories day! =D
I am 1year older on every year's 5March x)
ShiReeN is Wishing xD

Countdown -12days 

